The Year is Half Over: Where Do You Stand So Far in Accomplishing Your Green Goals?

  • Jul 2, 2012

Austin, Texas: Before the year started, you probably had come up with a list of resolutions that you were going to accomplish. Hopefully some of them were eco-friendly or green resolutions.

Now that the year is more than half over, where do you stand on accomplishing these green goals?

Are you on track to increase your company’s recycling rate?

Have you switched to more environmentally-friendly electronic devices?

Are you encouraging your employees to shut off all computers, lights and other electronic items when not in use?

Are you buying more recycled products?

Have you gotten rid of single-use cups in the break room?

Did you switch over to more eco-conscious suppliers and vendors?

Have you spoken about environmental issues to your employees?

Have you reduced your energy consumption?

Are your employees carpooling or taking public transportation more frequently?

Now is the time to review your green checklist to get back on course — before another year’s opportunity is wasted.

With 6 months to go, review your green goals and start implementing them right away.

Here’s to a green tomorrow, today!

  • Category: green marketing
  • Tags: eco-friendly goals, eco-friendly solutions, go green, going green, green agenda, green goals, setting goals to reduce energy consumption