Sustainability Resolutions For 2023

  • Jan 18, 2023

This year, make plans to make sustainable switches in your life.


When a new year rolls around, it is common to set new goals or intentions, and many may focus on environmentally friendly New Year’s resolutions. Not only do these ideas help individuals be better and more aware, but they help the planet, as well.


reusable shopping bagEveryone should be take smart steps to try and reverse and reduce the damage that has been done to Earth, and January is a good time to reflect on this topic; we’re all in this together, and by writing down our plans and sharing them with others, we will be held accountable and will be more likely to stick with them throughout the year. 


RELATED: 4 Ways To Sustainably Market With Promotional Products


Five sustainable resolutions we should all start with are:


Stainless Steel Water Bottles: Instead of buying and throwing away plastic water bottles, carry around a reusable water bottle. It’s much less wasteful, and it keeps you hydrated, as you can always have it with you at your desk and in your bag.


Reusable Grocery Bags: Another disposable item in life is plastic grocery bags. These can be eliminated with cotton/canvas bags; keep them in custom microfiber clothsyour vehicle then take them into stores with you, in order to cut down on waste.


Microfiber Cloths: Think of all the paper towels and tissues that are thrown away each day. This year, opt for reusable versions that get thrown into the washing machine and reused.


Reusable Food Storage: Many wrap up their lunches and leftovers in plastic baggies, foil, paper bags, and plastic wrap, but there is a smart alternative. Metal lunch boxes and silicone zippered pouches are just a few of the eco-friendly products out there that can be used over and over again.


Planted Gardens: Finally, in 2023, try your hand at gardening! This is a relaxing and rewarding hobby that allows you to grow everything from sunflowers and basil to tomatoes and herbal teas.


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  • Category: EcoArticles
  • Tags: eco friendly resolution, sustainable goals, environmentally friendly plan, new year resolutions, earth friendly goals, eco friendly products for 2023