Solar Day, Earth Day, Recycle Day and More

  • Oct 18, 2011

Austin, Texas: I have written in the past about the need for more than one day a year to educate the American public on energy conservation and sustainability.

Earth Day is great, but it is too hard to cram everything in to one day in order to make much of an impact and change people’s attitudes and perceptions about the environment.

This series of events would allow schools, government entities, and businesses more time to engage with its public and to seek solutions for a greener and cleaner planet.

I had previously suggested Earth Week or Earth Awareness Month instead of Earth Day, as two simple alternatives.

Another option would be to have a series of 12 one-day events, each focusing on a different aspect of the environment, as well as on alternative energy discussions. This could be under a larger umbrella, such as Earth Day: Solar, or Earth Day: Recycling, to add some cohesiveness to these days

Recycle Day: Yes, I know that there already is an America Recycles Day, in November, but as part of a 12-part Earth Day series, I believe it would generate more buzz.

Solar Day: This new movement, which is in June, would also gain panache and standing if it was part of the Earth Day Series.

Other suggestions for this series would include:

Compost Day

Carbon Footprint Day

Sustainability Day

Unplug Day

Wind Power Day

What eco-days would you suggest and why?

  • Category: green marketing
  • Tags: Compost Day, Earth Day, Earth Week, Recycle Day, Solar Day, Sustainability Day, Wind Power Day