Why Green Marketing Should Become a 12-Month Mindset
Promoting Green Causes 12-Months a Year
By Robert Piller
Austin, Texas: I met up with about a dozen of my top clients at a recent conference and we discussed the topic of green marketing.
The majority of the marketers had 80-85% of their marketing budget planned for first quarter, insisting that it was the time to promote the environment–especially around Earth Day events.
As this discussion went on for a while, the key take-away was their impression that people start thinking of the environment more in the Spring, as snow melts in many parts of the country, lawns and trees start to get green again, birds start chirping and the sun is finally returning.
Nothing wrong with that argument at all.
Who doesn’t think about the environment with the first warm day of Spring?
But what a wasted opportunity!
If everyone is promoting green causes and products in the Spring, that leaves a tremendous void for marketers to step in to promote their green products, service and causes.
Just because Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in October, doesn’t mean 100% of an organization’s fundraising efforts for that cause should be in October..as that message gets cluttered and does not make the same impact as a year-long campaign.
Sort of like “Christmas in July” promotions. Those stand out–not just because of the juxtaposition of the name – but there is no clutter for Christmas in the Summer.
If you are a green marketer looking to stand out, try winter or fall.
Why not?
The impact will be greater.
Your ROI will be higher.
And your competition will not be in that same space as you.
Think about it.
Test it.
Springtime in January?
I guarantee you that will make an impact and catch the attention of your audience.
Or better yet, target your market all year long to keep it top of mind. The impact and ROI will be much greater.
Here’s to your green marketing success.