Swag For World Vegan Day
On November 1, World Vegan Day happens, in order to celebrate vegans, the benefits of this lifestyle and the environment in general.
Veganism involves avoiding the use of animal products, especially when it comes to eating. This includes passing on foods like meat, dairy products such as milk and eggs. A diet like this can, obviously, be very kind to and beneficial for the environment.
If your business or organization is looking to honor this holiday, do so with swag! High-quality imprinted items are always appreciated by fans, clients/customers and employees. Plus, these fun and useful products can spread the word of what you do and why this day is so important.
Some suggested swag includes the following:
Faux Leather Cell Phone Wallet
Organic Bags
Gifts like these can be given out in the office, raffled off online, handed out at events and presented as a way to truly celebrate veganism. Find similar items at Eco Marketing Solutions.