Happy Green New Year: Times Square Style

  • Nov 17, 2008

New Yorkers will be ringing the new year this winter to a green-friendly billboard at Times Square. That’s right, Times Square, known for its glitzy lighted billboards, will be featuring its first billboard powered by wind and sun.

Will it shine as bright as the others? Not always. It will be lit by floodlights rather than light-emitting diodes and it will also not have a backup generator, so it may go dark at times.

Will it lead the way to a more green-friendly future for billboards? Yes. This 17 ton billboard is expected to save $12,000- $15,000 per month in electricity costs. It is also estimated to keep 18 tons of carbon out of the environment. It will be powered by 16 wind turbines and 64 solar panels.

Kudos to Ricoh, for being the first to see the light.

Because money talks, it won’t be long until Times Square goes 100% green. As the center for tourists from all over the world, this sign will show that America is at the forefront of the green revolution.

  • Category: green marketing
  • Tags: eco friendly billboard, eco lighting, eco lights, eco marketing, Eco Marketing Solutions, ecomarketing, go green, green friendly, green friendly billboard, green lighting, green marketing, marketing,