Green Marketing 101: Ask for an Action Step
What Steps Are You Asking Your Customers to Take When Doing Green Marketing?
Austin, Texas: When promoting your business or organization, are you asking your customers to take an action step or are you just doing random green marketing?
If you are simply handing out promotional products without an action step, then you are just contributing to the global waste stream.
Whether they are recycled promotional products or even organic promotional products, without encouraging an action step is a wasted opportunity to promote your green agenda.
All of your green marketing and outreach materials should be encouraging your customers to take ONE actionable step that can help reduce their carbon footprint.
Ask for just one green action step.
Offering too many choices will only confuse your customers or discourage them from moving forward now.
Don’t offer a To-Do list.
Just one action step at a time.
Try it on your next promotional product giveaway.
What one action step will you be telling your customers to take right away?
Happy Green Marketing!