Earth Day Promotions: 12 Reasons to Give Away Live Tree Seedlings

  • Mar 2, 2009

Earth Day is just around the corner (April 22nd) and companies keep asking for me for the best item to give away for that event.

Although I sell tons of eco tote bags, biodegradable sports bottles, and items made from recycled tires, denim, plastic, etc.  We sell hundreds of thousands of live tree seedlings for Earth Day Promotions.

These live seedlings come in either a recyclable 10″ plastic bag or tube—with a logo on them.

Live Tree Seedling With Custom Imprint

Tree Sapling With Custom Imprint

Here are 12 reasons why live tree seedlings are the perfect gift for any Earth Day event or promotion:

1. An average tree absorbs ten pounds of pollutants from the air each year, including four pounds of ozone and three pounds of particulates (Source: Center for Urban Forest Research, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Davis, California)
2. A full grown tree provides an estimated $273 a year in reduced costs for air conditioning, erosion control, storm water control, air pollution, and wildlife shelter. (Source: City of Portland, Oregon)
3. Shade from trees can cool buildings up to 20 degrees in the summer. (Source: City of Portland) One medium-sized tree planted within 60 feet of the west side of an average-sized home in the reduces carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to global warming and lowers the home’s cooling costs by about $260 over a 40-year lifespan, assuming an average cost of $.07 per Kwh. (Source of calculation formula: Center for Urban Forest Research, Davis, California.)
4. A typical tree produces about 260 pounds of oxygen each year. Two trees can supply a person’s oxygen needs. (Source: David Nowak, USDA Forest Service, Syracuse, NY)
5. Unlike some other investments that depreciate, a tree’s value increases with each passing year. Trees increase home property values 7 to 21 percent, depending on the number and size of the trees. (Source: City of Portland)
6. The leaves of a mature tree intercept an average of 760 gallons of rainfall a year. Each tree that lives about 40 years saves $10 a year in reduced water flow treatment. (Source: Trees for Green Streets, Metro)
7. Trees have a positive impact on the incidence of asthma, skin cancer and stress related illness by filtering out polluted air, reducing smog formation, shading out solar radiation and by providing an attractive, calming setting for recreation.
8. One acre of trees grown to maturity would absorb the carbon emissions of 100 average family cars driven for one year, about 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide per year.
9. Every tree we plant today will save more than a thousand dollars in storm water management, pollution abatement, and energy costs. (Source: Center for Urban Forest Research, Davis, California)
10. Trees contribute to neighborhood livability by reducing city noise and glare, and by calming and slowing traffic.
11. Trees improve habitat for endangered fish, migratory birds, and other wildlife.
12. Trees stabilize soil, reduce erosion, and mitigate flooding.

For under $3.00, your company or organization can give away live tree seedlings with your custom imprint and logo -- and make this a greener world.

By giving away 500 trees, you can help reduce 5,000 pounds of pollutants for the air in your community - every year. In 20 years, the result will be 100,000 pounds of pollutants removed because of your Earth Day promotion.

Live tree seedling trees are truly the gift that keeps on giving ¬“ Earth Day and beyond. Click here if you want more information about live seedling trees for promotions.

Happy Earth Day!

  • Category: green marketing
  • Tags: Arbor Day, biodegradable items for Earth Day, biodegradable promotional items, Center for Urban Forest Research, Earth Day, earth day is april 22, earth day promo, earth day promotions, earth day swag