Do Your Customers Understand The Benefits of Buying Eco-Friendly Products?
How Aware Are Your Customers of the Value of Buying Eco-Friendly Products?
Austin, Texas: For those of us selling eco-friendly products, we often make the mistake of thinking that everyone understands the benefits and virtues of “buying green”.
Nothing can be further from the truth.
I often have the need to explain why my customers should be buying eco-friendly promotional products from my company, — even when they sell organic or eco-friendly products themselves.
Customers need to be constantly re-educated on why buying eco-friendly products is right for THEIR company.
They need to understand your production and procurement methods.
They need to understand more about your recyclability.
But more important, your customers need to be made more aware of why buying eco-friendly products is the right fit for their company.
It goes beyond corporate sustainability just for marketing purposes.
You must connect with their core values and belief systems.
You must remind them of why their customers prefer eco-friendly products and solutions.
And you must remind them often and consistently–as buyers (and their bosses0 turn over and will be questioning the value of a buying eco-friendly…especially around budget time.
Not every company wants to buy eco-friendly products…usually because they are not sold on the benefits.
We must understand that.
However, there are many others that would like to buy eco-friendly products–if they just understood the benefits a little bit more.
And it is our job, as purveyors, providers and producers of eco-friendly products, to do our part to hep educate both our customers, and their consumers, of the value and need to buy eco-friendly products.
Here’s to a greener tomorrow, today!