Countdown to Your Earth Day Promotion: Determining Your Plan of Action
Countdown to Your Earth Day Promotion: Determining Your Plan of Action (Part 2 of 4)
In the first part of this Earth Day series, we discussed the need to determine the goal for your participation in an Earth Day promotion.
This article helps you to determine the plan of action for your Earth Day Promotion, so you can choose the right product mix and agenda.
Over the past few years, more and more companies are claiming to be green-friendly, environmentally sensitive or environmentally aware and concerned about their carbon footprint. Most are genuinely concerned about doing the right thing; others don’t necessarily “walk the walk”. Still others just think of the environment on Earth Day, circling it on their calendar as if it was a birthday, anniversary, or other one day, annual event.
If your company or organization is truly environmentally-friendly or is going green, Earth Day is an ideal opportunity to promote your company in a positive light.
Once you establish the reason for your Earth Day promotion, the next plan of action is to get answers to the following questions:
Who is your target audience? Male or Female. Young or Old? Families or Singles? Everybody? (Really…everybody??)
Understanding the audience is crucial in determining what type of product you will hand out. For example, if it is seniors, perhaps a jar opener made of recycled rubber tires in the shape of a foot with instructions on reducing their carbon footprint might be in order. If it is for families, a live tree seedling or sapling might be the best option. For women, imprinted recycled tote bags are still extremely popular. People never seem to have enough tote bags.
What is the desired action? Do you want the recipient to go to a website to learn more or to take further action? Do you want the person to think of your organization in a more desirable or positive light? Do you want to educate them with the item?
Don’t forget to print your URL for the follow up, which should be