9 Last Minute Eco Ideas for Your Earth Day Promotion

  • Apr 7, 2009

Earth Day is only two weeks away. What are you doing to promote your business or organization?

If you have completely forgotten about Earth Day (April 22) – or are scrambling to find a replacement for a promotion that fell through the cracks, don’t worry. There still is time to kick off a strong eco-friendly promotion for Earth Day, but you’ll have to hurry.

Here are nine ideas to make your last-minute Earth Day Promotion a success.

1. Decide who your target audience is.
Are you trying to reach children — or is it their parents that you really want to keep your name in front of?

2. Determine what action or response you want to achieve. Are you aiming for name or brand recognition — and associating it with green causes? Do you want to encourage trials of your product? How about educating your audience about environmentally-friendly behavior?

3. Calculate your cost per activity/customer. How much are you willing to spend per customer to create awareness and incentivize them? If you can determine the lifetime value of a customer, then it will make it easier to determine your spend per customer. Don’t think short term–if you can attract a new customer — what is their profit potential per year? Over 5 years? Over a lifetime?

4. What is your measure of success for your promotion? How will you know your promotion was a success? Do you have a comeback feature (coupon enclosed in a recycled tote bag) or a special code or landing page on your website that is printed on the eco-friendly gift?

5. What is your method of distribution? Are you going after quantity over quality? Some of my clients choose two levels of eco-friendly promotional products. Say, an inexpensive recycled pen for all prospects and a nice reusable biodegradable water bottle or mug for those prospects that complete a questionnaire or survey. It goes back to determining the lifetime value of a loyal customer.

6. How are you planning to promote or publicize the event? Notify the trade publications or local media of your green Earth Day promotion. Cross-promote, if possible. Maybe you can insert a flyer from your local TV station inside the reusable tote bag in return for media coverage. How about putting your logo and another local business logo on the recycled frisbee and split the cost — with twice the distribution?

7. Get the kids involved. Earth Day is a fun event and will be promoted heavily at schools — so donate recycled pens, pencils and crayons to the schools for distribution on Earth Day.

8. Make it fun. Hold coloring contests with the top winners getting a top tier gift and all participants getting a more affordable green friendly imprinted gift. Guessing the number of green jelly beans or green M & M’s are other fun contests. Remember to post “No Purchase Required”.

9. Make it educational. Earth Day is about learning more about the planet–recycling and conservation. Insert a fact sheet about Recycling Tips and Energy Saving ideas into the eco items you are giving away.

Happy Earth Day!

  • Category: green marketing
  • Tags: bamboo ad specialties, bamboo ad specialty, bamboo product, bamboo promotional item, company name on eco product, Earth Day items, earth day promotions, eco ad specialties, eco gimmes, eco items with