Time to Volunteer For a Green Non-Profit Organization
Austin, Texas: Since the new year has just begun, now is the ideal time to think about volunteering and helping a green non-profit organization increase awareness and help to raise much needed funds.
As a green marketer, we are all in this together.
Creating educated consumers is good for your business, as they are the ones that can better appreciate the importance of buying green and going green.
Outreach is one of the basic tenets of green marketing–promoting the need for, and the importance of, green causes, behaviors and political and social movements.
Look into some green organizations–either at the local, state or national level and volunteer your time. Get involved.
Get known as an organization that cares about the environment-not just about making money.
Help this organization politic for greener standards.
Help them to raise much needed money.
Help them recruit new volunteers.
Help them to create greater awareness.
It is a win-win relationship. Don’t sit back and let the green movement come to you.
You need to come to the green movement.