Green Marketing Tip: Get a Car Wrap if You are Driving a Hybrid, Smart Car or Electric Car

  • Mar 23, 2011

Looking for a unique way to promote your green business? One of the simplest ways is to get a car wrap done that promotes your company.

Everyone in your community will eventually see your message and will associate your brand with a green-friendly company. It is a very low cost way of marketing your green company and it can be fun to drive. I have started to see more and more of these cars and trucks in my travels and they certainly stand out.

Three caveats:

First, make sure the vehicle you are placing the graphic on is indeed green-friendly. I happened to see a minivan all wrapped last week promoting a green product–but it just smacked of green washing and did not convey sincerity. Use these car wraps on hybrid vehicles, smart cars and electric cars for inexpensive advertising.

Secondly, do not dictate that everyone at your company drive a wrapped car, as it takes a certain type of

  • Category: green marketing
  • Tags: car wrapping, car wraps, Earth Day promotion, Eco Marketing Solutions, ecomarketing solutions, green marketing, green promotion, green-friendly company, promote green, Smart car