Green Marketing Opportunity: America Recycles Day
Austin, Texas: I have written several posts over the past few years on the need for more green outreach programs to help promote environmental causes.
Good news- November 15th is America Recycles Day – a full day to promote the value of recycling.
If you are a green marketer or promote the fact that you are “going green”, this is a tremendous opportunity to put your money where your mouth is.
Promote recycling to your audience.
Be loud.
Be proud.
Be seen.
Be heard.
Get noticed.
One place to start is by joining with your nearest affiliate branch of Keep America Beautiful, which you can find at the link.
If you are a recycler, this day should be highlighted on your calendar every year..and planned far in advance, so you can coordinate outreach programs. I find it funny that I am still receiving calls, faxes and emails for last minute imprinted recycled tote bags and recycled pens— and the event is less than two weeks away. This seems to be the pattern year after year.
The America Recycles Day website offers several useful toolkits that you can re-print to promote the one day event. This is an easy place to start, as they have slides, handouts, activities, games and other pre-planned programs available.
Sponsor a recycling drop-off program or pair up with those already in place. The website has a zip code guide to the nearest recycling locations.
Volunteer to talk to a school about the need for increased recycling activity. Children are the greatest demographic for environmental awareness activities, and as the future protectors of this planet, the best place to start.
If you are a bit more daring, volunteer to speak at senior centers, church groups, Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, Lions Clubs and other organizations and encourage them to take a pledge to recycle . I say more daring, as there will usually be more climate change deniers among those crowds, so you need to be prepared for a little more push back.
Be sure your company is implementing a recycling program for all employees, so you are practicing what you preach. Encourage employees to recycle at home, as well.
Promote recycling on your company website, catalogs, blogs, etc. Get the message out.
Learn recycling facts and bring them up on as many occasions as possible. I found a great source of recycling facts and figures at Recycling Revolution‘s website that are sure to amaze and inspire. For example, “If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we would save about 25,000,000 trees a year.”
America Recycles Day is November 15th.
How will you be promoting recycling to your audience?
Please let me know what type of activities you will be participating in, send images, etc. so I can mention them in future blog posts.
Let’s Make Every Day, Earth Day.