Concord, Massachusetts is First US City to Ban Small Plastic Single Use Water Bottles. Will Your Town Be Next?

  • Jan 2, 2013

As Single Use Water Bottles Ban Begin To Take Hold, What is Your Company Doing to Encourage Refillable and Reusable Bottles?

Austin, Texas Good news for environmentalists!

Concord, Massachusetts became one of the first cities to ban small, single use water bottles (1 liter or less).

From what I have been reading, this trend is likely to continue as the drive to reusable water bottles gains momentum.

I always bring a reusable bottle to restaurants – and get strange looks at times… as if it was a strange and weird act I was performing.

At c-stores and grocery stores, hopefully it will encourage at least a trade up to larger bottles to help reduce waste and litter.

Even more hopeful will be the increased use of tap water with a water filter – to reduce the use of plastic bottle even more.

I know of a company called Sodastream that even makes a soda machine from your own water and concentrated mix– thus eliminating the need to purchase plastic soda bottles.

Anything we can do to encourage the elimination of wasteful packaging ( and the shipping of bulky water and soda bottles) is to be commended.

Their carbon footprint and impact on the environment is something that can easily be avoided.

Support manufacturers and companies that offer concentrated products–from beverages to laundry detergent – and everything in between to help reduce the production of plastic bottles.

That is the simplest way to reduce waste–even without the added push for recycling efforts.

Smart retailers would be wise to consider a refillable water bottle promotion –where they can sell (or even give away for free) reusable water bottles or sports bottles with their logo on them. It will be reused over and over again at a cost of pennies per use.

Our sales of imprinted water bottles has increased nearly 250% in the past three years as more restaurants, convenience stores and grocers encourage the use of refillable bottles.

How will you help to reduce the use of single-use plastic bottles?

Here’s to a greener tomorrow, today!

  • Category: green marketing
  • Tags: bottle ban, bottle water, eco marketing, Eco Marketing Solutions, imprinted water bottles, water bottles, water bottles Austin